Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Leaky pens and garage sales

Both are full of wonder, surprise and disappointment.
- garage sales- you WONDER what will be there, you are SURPRISED at some of the prices, and sometimes you get DISAPPOINTED when they don't have what you wanted or have a high price on something.
-pens- well i guess there is no WONDER to them, you already know what they do, what they're used for and even how to use them. however you occasionally get SURPRISED when you go to reach into your purse to find that the pen you had put there recently has exploded ink all over your phone, wallet, keys etc. and is now all over your hands, hence the DISAPPOINTMENT. Ink is very hard to wash off of certain things:(
In case you were wondering, yes, I'm having a garage sale:) lol. oh and my pen did explode:)hehe.

TV for the most part is distasteful and boring, but occasionally you may find something worth watching.

so i know i haven't blogged in a while, guess you pick up habits from the person whom you are married to:) love you , honey!

I can't wait until school starts! I could go without the whole getting up early thing but still I'm excited.

so luckily this thing saves every couple minutes, the fuse for the room keeps blowing and shutting everything down. its happened three times today so far. ugh.

oh, i think our car may finally be fixed, or at least i really hope so:)

hmm, my mind is a blank, not unusual for me i know but i think I'm done for now:)

yep I'm done.