Sunday, July 26, 2009


A fruit, also a pudding, a delicious pudding.heh
So i am making banana bread for the first time, from scratch mind you, and i really hope it turns out, guess we'll see in about a half hour or so:/

thank you to Mike for accidentally making the banana peels rip off:)

well mercy is leaving for her "dads" again tomorrow:( i hate that, but it wouldn't be right for me to keep her away from him. I'm going to miss her. on the bright side i get time alone with my honey.
and Katie finally might have the chicken pox, of course i want mercy to get them and she will be gone, i know you're thinking what a mean mother to want her child to have chicken pox, but hey, its worse when you're older. I'm afraid, though, when she does get them she will get some scars to remind her that she had them. She can't even resist scratching her mosquito bites, please pray that she will be able to.

Sunday school today was great!! i go to Mike's class not because I'm a child, or maybe i am in mind only,hehe. but because i am a new christian and didn't have the privilege of learning all the simple, and i use that term lightly, stuff growing up,so i have some catching up to do. anyway, class is normally pretty good, i think the kids pay attention for the most part, but today it was great, they were all joining in on the discussion and asking questions. it was just wonderful:)

my back hurts, i wonder if its cause i was BENT OVER WORKING ON A CAR ALL DAY YESTERDAY!! hehe. no I'm not complaining though, i do love doing that stuff.

so i cooked roasted chicken for supper tonight, the fall off the bone, really good kind,and i thought that there may be some left over, after all it was a WHOLE chicken, but alas when i went to go put it away, it was gone:( At least i have my banana bread to look forward to,mmmmaybe:/

oh, yay, hopefully Mike and i are going to moms tomorrow to play LOTR with Katie and Jenn. i just learned ho to play the other day, beat Mike 3 times in a row:) ha ha, it was fun.

hmmm, maybe we should name our first born Frodo instead of Grace or no, that would be silly cause our last name isn't Baggins.
maybe Gimli, or Gollum. lol.joking, those are terrible names for people, i knew a girl named Precious when i lived down in Grand Rapids.

oh, bread is done, it looks good, lets hope it tastes that way.

aww, I've got to wait for it to cool:( I'll let you know how it was.

Buh-Bye now. because 'we're Animaniacs, we have pay-or -play contracts, we're zany to the max, there's baloney in our slacks,we're animanie, totally insaney, chicken chow meiny, the rain in spainy, citizen Kaney, Shirley MacLainy, Andromeda strainy, cockamamie,here's the show namey, ANIMANIACS, those are the facts'. tee hee.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

i just noticed

Am i always hungry when i post a new blog?? I think so, doesn't seem to make it any better or more funny at all, I'll try eating something, then I'll come back and see if i can cause some amusement or laughter, HA HA thats just another way of saying funny. yep got to get off before i make myself angry for reading my blog cause its stupid, oops, too late


Not Jello, more like hello. I just like answering my phone that way, people don't even notice sometimes. i say jello instead of hello.heh, ok maybe its not that funny but it is amusing to me, sometimes, maybe:)

Anywho, so i was working on the car again today, yes i know you're saying "what it should be fixed already". ok maybe not but you should be:) yep still don't have an idea about what is wrong with it, and the Auto Parts place people were of some help today, if you ever want to get stranded somewhere and have no idea what is wrong with your car you should definitely go there.teehee
seriously though the one guy was helpful. i pulled in around maybe 4pm(i had been there previously to get the WRONG part) so we were trying to figure out what we were looking for and apparently MITSUBISHI and MAZDA are the same, not really but whomever put the distributor and ignition coil on this car thought so cause that's what was there, and its also about $70 more than the Mazda part. anyway, we got the one part off, which by the way is made up of about 20 smaller parts, and then they didn't even have it in stock, they had to order it. it would not be in for three days.ugh. so we went to go put the "part" back in and oh no the smaller parts were somehow moved around and no one knew how it went back together, so the car of course wouldn't start because ,why kids?, oh, that's right, IT WASN'T PUT BACK TOGETHER PROPERLY!! so mercy and myself were stuck:( luckily my mother works right next door. we took her car for a bit eventually came back to put car back together right was, and it started, who says girls shouldn't work on cars? no one should after today, i put that thing together and it worked while the auto parts people couldn't. hmmm
long story short, wait no its not.hehe. still don't know what is wrong. so tomorrow after church I'm taking it to this guy who is able to test certain parts, please pray that we will find the problem, we've put a lot into it already, its going to be like new when we're finished.hehe

wow, that took up more space than i had hoped. hmm what to talk about now?

ah, yes, tomorrow is Sunday. i love Sundays, going to church and getting away from all of this madness in the world for one whole day:) GOD is GOOD!

I'm so hungry:( gggrrrrr, sorry my stomach got a hold of the keyboard.

I'm sorry, i complain too much, don't i? well today is an exception, it was frustrating. sorry i'll try not to blog about such things.

oh, here's a good one.
what do you call a cow with no legs? ground beef. hahahahahahahaha
what do you call i fish with no eyes? a fsh. lol
no seriously, i can't wait for Mike to get home, he should be out soon. i hope he had a better day!

Thank you come again(imagine hearing that in an Indian accent, not hold up my hand and say 'how" Indians the other ones, dur.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


A planet has landed on my face, right smack dab in the middle, under my nose and above my top lip there is a ... well I'm sure you can its gross, but I'm glad this didn't happen on my wedding day:) that would've been awful. i already dislike getting my picture taken.

I don't like it when something turns out different than i expected. take Mike's car for instance, we( that's other people and myself, not just me) thought that we had figured out the problem with it, and so after a looooonnngg while and some hard labor, thought that it was fixed, now it looks as if it may have only been part of the problem.
But I'm thinking( i know, different for me, huh?lol) okay, I'm hoping that it is just taking a bit for the last little kinks to get out.
Cars are stupid. okay they aren't but sometimes the problems with them are.

On that note, i will be getting rid of mine soon, hopefully, it was totalled after a recent accident that i mentioned in my very first blog. very first blog you say? yes, my very first one because we all know this is my 7th, i think, hehe. it seems so long
not really but it sounded good at the time.

Shepherd's pie is a weird ... thing. we went over to my parents tonight, they were going to help me clean out my car before i take it to the junk yard, and my father loves to cook/experiment on foods and he had watched this show on how to make a Shepherd's pie supper and thought it would be nice to teach me how to, or should i say have me over to make it because he didn't feel like being laughed at if it didn't taste good.
anyway it was good, it was just a strange concoction of a lot of different things that do not normally get mixed together.

ugh, enough about food, I'm making myself hungry.

angry about cars and hungry, this is what Mike is coming home to.hehehehehe

I'm not that mean!! whats wrong with you?!lol.

HHHHHMMMMMM well nothing else to write about at the moment. toodleloooo

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pretzels, poptarts and dogs

I'm eating them right now!! lol. no, not dogs, silly, the pretzels and pop tarts. i know weird combination:) pretzels are salty, which i like and pop tarts(only the real ones not those off brand are really satisfying if you're in the mood, which i was if you couldn't tell.

yay!! Mercedez is home after spending 5 days away. Poor thing was sad though, they had to put her dog down yesterday. she was too old:(

where was i ? oh, yes, dogs, sorry. mercy came in and asked me to help her with something. Dogs-- hmmm, well my parents have two, a great dane named Zoe and a miniature lab named Missy. anyway my dad was going to get some food out of the fridge today(steak)(for himself) and the dogs apparently had smelled it because they came sprinting out of the other room into the kitchen as if they were football players and he had the ball, they knocked him down and took off with the meat. now this sounds sad but if you knew my father it would be funny, which it is to me!! hehehehe
he is ok though they didn't hurt him. but i can just imagine the dogs going 'ha ha ha we got it' as they took off running.

so David and Kaylynn are gone:( going to miss them. Mercedez was sad because she didn't get to say goodbye. I rode with Jenn to drop them off at the airport and almost started crying as i hugged them goodbye. i don't like it when family has to leave! My sister and her family live down in Indiana, hopefully we'll be getting my nephew to stay the night soon. i think mercy would enjoy that.

Jenn and i went to go see Transformers 2 the other day, Good movie but a little too much bad language. I wouldn't have expected a kind of childrens movie to have so much. But on the bright side i finally got to spend some time with Jenn, which was nice:)

well I'm off to go play a game with mercy.

peace out. lol. jk

Monday, July 6, 2009


So tomorrow Mercedez is going back to her fathers because her brother, who lives in North Carolina, is going home soon:( Also Mike will be working 3pm-11pm for a couple of the days, hey maybe I'll have more to write about then, and i do mean "then" as in at that time not "then" as in a consequence of.

hehe. i just had to look up the meaning of "then" because i couldn't think of what i was trying to guess I'm becoming one of those "stupid" people Jenn was writing

so we tried to fix Mike's car today,heh, that was fun. No, seriously it was:) I love working on cars, it was always something that I've wanted to do and to learn more about. plus its cheaper if you do it yourself rather than overpay some ----- person to do it for you at probably triple the time it would've taken you to begin with.... oh, sorry, i got carried away there:) Anyway we weren't able to fix it quite yet because the ------(put in your own word) people who had told me the day before that the part would be in were mistaken. we had to order it and then it didn't even come in when they said it should, so we're going to try again tomorrow. I hope.

OOOOOHHH, Craig Ferguson is going to be on soon, i have to tape it for my honey. he didn't ask me to i just know he likes the show and thought it'd be nice for him to be able to see. Even though he has yet to watch the one from Friday which i taped for him.

so the people who make xbox , PlayStation and similar gaming systems should work a little harder on making them more durable. We bought Street Fighter IV for the xbox while on our honeymoon, and our daughter was playing it the other day, she had gotten excited about a fight and jumped up accidentally hitting it somehow. now the game refuses ( of course i know an object cannot object(hehehe) to do something) to work. why do you ask, because the stupid little game system, even though being tapped lightly by a child, decided that there should now be a perfectly circled scratch around the cd itself. now i know that they are made to be standing straight up, or at least in most cases. so what would happen if the system were to fall down on its own while someone were playing, oh, wait that's how they get people to buy so many games, its cause they're buying the same one over and over again because..... oh, never mind. now I'm just blabbering.

so anyway, i love our new xbox.hehe no, I'm just kidding. we should see if we can fix the game though.

well i think I've written enough for this entry, maybe I'll think of some more stupid and immature things that i can write down later:)

In fact I'm sure of it.

This is Tuesday Schmidt for Stupid News , and thats the way the cookie Please join us next time for more stupid and unwitting comments on todays technology:) GOODNIGHT!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Just things or just things?

So Mike went back to work tonight:( he has been off for the past three days and its been great, I started missing him before he even left.

Obsession-I don't get it. I recently started on twitter,which is boring and kinda dumb so i wouldn't advise going there, no really it is. anyway it has suggested people for you to follow, so i was looking through this list and there were so many people mentioning that they had taken this test called "How Obsessed with?blank? are you?" First of all who in their right mind makes these things up? and secondly who, if actually obsessed with someone, would want people to know that they are the obsessive type? Sorry but i just don't get it.

oh, another thing i don't get is the media, it sickens and saddens me the way that they work. who gets what, where, when, and how, who's doing this and that, WHO CARES!
and most of the time they're just making things up and or just making the issue worse or bigger than it is/ should be.

hehe. Craig Ferguson is hilarious, well most of the time:) he cracks me up.

Married life is great!!

I pray that Mercedez gets saved soon! I am scarred for her. its been over a year now that shes been with me and going to church, learning about our Lord and Savior, i know i shouldn't worry but she is my daughter and i do.

LOOK OUT FOR THE BLAH BLAH BLAH.LOL. I love Charlie the unicorn. lol
i picked that line because its funny and i can't spell the other one that i often quote so deal with it.hehe. sorry. but seriously i can't.

JUST a thought- ok well it might be more of a question- Shouldn't Christians try to reach out and spread God's word to those who do not yet believe? and no, i don't mean going to bars and parties etc. But if we happen to be in a place such as work or a celebration or gathering of some kind with unbelievers , should we act all stuck up and not say anything, or should we, as believers, take that as an opportunity given to use by GOD to further His Word in this ungodly and wicked world? To do what He hath commanded us to?
-Colossians 4:5
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.
-Matthew 28:19-20
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you
Matthew 24:14
And this the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations.

-We are to seize EACH opportunity given to us to display wise behavior toward the unsaved and to use it as a chance for witnessing.

Well thank you for reading, i know it was a lot. Any comments please feel free to post them.