Saturday, July 25, 2009


Not Jello, more like hello. I just like answering my phone that way, people don't even notice sometimes. i say jello instead of hello.heh, ok maybe its not that funny but it is amusing to me, sometimes, maybe:)

Anywho, so i was working on the car again today, yes i know you're saying "what it should be fixed already". ok maybe not but you should be:) yep still don't have an idea about what is wrong with it, and the Auto Parts place people were of some help today, if you ever want to get stranded somewhere and have no idea what is wrong with your car you should definitely go there.teehee
seriously though the one guy was helpful. i pulled in around maybe 4pm(i had been there previously to get the WRONG part) so we were trying to figure out what we were looking for and apparently MITSUBISHI and MAZDA are the same, not really but whomever put the distributor and ignition coil on this car thought so cause that's what was there, and its also about $70 more than the Mazda part. anyway, we got the one part off, which by the way is made up of about 20 smaller parts, and then they didn't even have it in stock, they had to order it. it would not be in for three days.ugh. so we went to go put the "part" back in and oh no the smaller parts were somehow moved around and no one knew how it went back together, so the car of course wouldn't start because ,why kids?, oh, that's right, IT WASN'T PUT BACK TOGETHER PROPERLY!! so mercy and myself were stuck:( luckily my mother works right next door. we took her car for a bit eventually came back to put car back together right was, and it started, who says girls shouldn't work on cars? no one should after today, i put that thing together and it worked while the auto parts people couldn't. hmmm
long story short, wait no its not.hehe. still don't know what is wrong. so tomorrow after church I'm taking it to this guy who is able to test certain parts, please pray that we will find the problem, we've put a lot into it already, its going to be like new when we're finished.hehe

wow, that took up more space than i had hoped. hmm what to talk about now?

ah, yes, tomorrow is Sunday. i love Sundays, going to church and getting away from all of this madness in the world for one whole day:) GOD is GOOD!

I'm so hungry:( gggrrrrr, sorry my stomach got a hold of the keyboard.

I'm sorry, i complain too much, don't i? well today is an exception, it was frustrating. sorry i'll try not to blog about such things.

oh, here's a good one.
what do you call a cow with no legs? ground beef. hahahahahahahaha
what do you call i fish with no eyes? a fsh. lol
no seriously, i can't wait for Mike to get home, he should be out soon. i hope he had a better day!

Thank you come again(imagine hearing that in an Indian accent, not hold up my hand and say 'how" Indians the other ones, dur.

1 comment:

  1. You amuse me :)

    It's funny, though, because as I read "thank you, come again", I read it in an Idian accent... an ACTUAL Indian... not America's Indians. lol
