Monday, July 6, 2009


So tomorrow Mercedez is going back to her fathers because her brother, who lives in North Carolina, is going home soon:( Also Mike will be working 3pm-11pm for a couple of the days, hey maybe I'll have more to write about then, and i do mean "then" as in at that time not "then" as in a consequence of.

hehe. i just had to look up the meaning of "then" because i couldn't think of what i was trying to guess I'm becoming one of those "stupid" people Jenn was writing

so we tried to fix Mike's car today,heh, that was fun. No, seriously it was:) I love working on cars, it was always something that I've wanted to do and to learn more about. plus its cheaper if you do it yourself rather than overpay some ----- person to do it for you at probably triple the time it would've taken you to begin with.... oh, sorry, i got carried away there:) Anyway we weren't able to fix it quite yet because the ------(put in your own word) people who had told me the day before that the part would be in were mistaken. we had to order it and then it didn't even come in when they said it should, so we're going to try again tomorrow. I hope.

OOOOOHHH, Craig Ferguson is going to be on soon, i have to tape it for my honey. he didn't ask me to i just know he likes the show and thought it'd be nice for him to be able to see. Even though he has yet to watch the one from Friday which i taped for him.

so the people who make xbox , PlayStation and similar gaming systems should work a little harder on making them more durable. We bought Street Fighter IV for the xbox while on our honeymoon, and our daughter was playing it the other day, she had gotten excited about a fight and jumped up accidentally hitting it somehow. now the game refuses ( of course i know an object cannot object(hehehe) to do something) to work. why do you ask, because the stupid little game system, even though being tapped lightly by a child, decided that there should now be a perfectly circled scratch around the cd itself. now i know that they are made to be standing straight up, or at least in most cases. so what would happen if the system were to fall down on its own while someone were playing, oh, wait that's how they get people to buy so many games, its cause they're buying the same one over and over again because..... oh, never mind. now I'm just blabbering.

so anyway, i love our new xbox.hehe no, I'm just kidding. we should see if we can fix the game though.

well i think I've written enough for this entry, maybe I'll think of some more stupid and immature things that i can write down later:)

In fact I'm sure of it.

This is Tuesday Schmidt for Stupid News , and thats the way the cookie Please join us next time for more stupid and unwitting comments on todays technology:) GOODNIGHT!!

1 comment:

  1. "( of course i know an object cannot object(hehehe) to do something)"

    I appreciated the use of object and object here.
