Friday, July 3, 2009

Just things or just things?

So Mike went back to work tonight:( he has been off for the past three days and its been great, I started missing him before he even left.

Obsession-I don't get it. I recently started on twitter,which is boring and kinda dumb so i wouldn't advise going there, no really it is. anyway it has suggested people for you to follow, so i was looking through this list and there were so many people mentioning that they had taken this test called "How Obsessed with?blank? are you?" First of all who in their right mind makes these things up? and secondly who, if actually obsessed with someone, would want people to know that they are the obsessive type? Sorry but i just don't get it.

oh, another thing i don't get is the media, it sickens and saddens me the way that they work. who gets what, where, when, and how, who's doing this and that, WHO CARES!
and most of the time they're just making things up and or just making the issue worse or bigger than it is/ should be.

hehe. Craig Ferguson is hilarious, well most of the time:) he cracks me up.

Married life is great!!

I pray that Mercedez gets saved soon! I am scarred for her. its been over a year now that shes been with me and going to church, learning about our Lord and Savior, i know i shouldn't worry but she is my daughter and i do.

LOOK OUT FOR THE BLAH BLAH BLAH.LOL. I love Charlie the unicorn. lol
i picked that line because its funny and i can't spell the other one that i often quote so deal with it.hehe. sorry. but seriously i can't.

JUST a thought- ok well it might be more of a question- Shouldn't Christians try to reach out and spread God's word to those who do not yet believe? and no, i don't mean going to bars and parties etc. But if we happen to be in a place such as work or a celebration or gathering of some kind with unbelievers , should we act all stuck up and not say anything, or should we, as believers, take that as an opportunity given to use by GOD to further His Word in this ungodly and wicked world? To do what He hath commanded us to?
-Colossians 4:5
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.
-Matthew 28:19-20
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you
Matthew 24:14
And this the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations.

-We are to seize EACH opportunity given to us to display wise behavior toward the unsaved and to use it as a chance for witnessing.

Well thank you for reading, i know it was a lot. Any comments please feel free to post them.

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