Tuesday, July 14, 2009


A planet has landed on my face, right smack dab in the middle, under my nose and above my top lip there is a ... well I'm sure you can imagine.lol. its gross, but I'm glad this didn't happen on my wedding day:) that would've been awful. i already dislike getting my picture taken.

I don't like it when something turns out different than i expected. take Mike's car for instance, we( that's other people and myself, not just me) thought that we had figured out the problem with it, and so after a looooonnngg while and some hard labor, thought that it was fixed, now it looks as if it may have only been part of the problem.
But I'm thinking( i know, different for me, huh?lol) okay, I'm hoping that it is just taking a bit for the last little kinks to get out.
Cars are stupid. okay they aren't but sometimes the problems with them are.

On that note, i will be getting rid of mine soon, hopefully, it was totalled after a recent accident that i mentioned in my very first blog. very first blog you say? yes, my very first one because we all know this is my 7th, i think, hehe. it seems so long ago.lol
not really but it sounded good at the time.

Shepherd's pie is a weird ... thing. we went over to my parents tonight, they were going to help me clean out my car before i take it to the junk yard, and my father loves to cook/experiment on foods and he had watched this show on how to make a Shepherd's pie supper and thought it would be nice to teach me how to, or should i say have me over to make it because he didn't feel like being laughed at if it didn't taste good.
anyway it was good, it was just a strange concoction of a lot of different things that do not normally get mixed together.

ugh, enough about food, I'm making myself hungry.

angry about cars and hungry, this is what Mike is coming home to.hehehehehe

I'm not that mean!! whats wrong with you?!lol.

HHHHHMMMMMM well nothing else to write about at the moment. toodleloooo

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